
About Us

Millions of people over the world suffer from skin disorders such as Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Eczema, Acne or other skin desease in Irving. These disorders have a huge impact on the patients’ daily lives. However today, these skin diseases can be treated. Phototherapy is an effective and proven method of treatment. Kernel Phototherapy lamps have been developed and tested in close cooperation with universities and clinics around the world. In many cases, UVB lamps present the best treatment of:

  • Psoriasis
  • Vitiligo
  • Eczema
  • Acne
  • Atopic Dermatitis
  • Other Skin Deseases


Why You should choose uvb lamp?

These UVB lamps are fitted with a narrowband UVB 311nm that has been well proven in many clinical trials. And, because it is handheld, you can have more controlled exposure, reducing treatment expenses and time. Also, as soon as you are done with treatment, you can easily keep your UVB lamp until your next use.


In many cases, UVB lamps present the best treatment option for eczema, psoriasis, and vitiligo. 


You can eliminate frequent travel to the phototherapy center, and lost time from school or work.

Low Cost

With home UVB lamps you dont need to pay for each treatment session in clinic.


The safest way to manage psoriasis, vitiligo, eczema or acne at home.


Portable handheld UVB phototherapy lamps are designed to be used on every inch of the body.


It can be interactive with a mobile phone so that the patients attain more treatment information

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Answers to the most commonly asked questions we receive are below. For questions about treatment and dosing schedules, consult with your doctor.

    Are your UVB Lamps US FDA approved?
    Yes, the US FDA has approved the products we sell for distribution in the US (FDA K132643).
    Are the Psoriasis and Vitiligo lamps the same lamps?
    Yes, all of the UVB lamps in our online store use Philips Narrowband UVB 311nm bulbs. The lamps are categorized to help you locate our products in search engines. Please consult with your doctor to determine if UVB phototherapy is appropriate for your skin condition.
    What is the normal life of the bulb in the UVB Lamp?
    The UVB Lamps we sell only use Philips bulbs. Philips rates the normal life of the bulb for 1,000 hours; the UVB Lamp manufacturer recommends replacing the bulb after 350 hours of use.
    Is UVB phototherapy safe to use with other skin condition treatments?
    Only your doctor can determine whether UVB phototherapy treatment is appropriate for you if your skin condition is currently being treated (or has recently been treated) with another method.
    How do I know which dosing schedule is right for me?
    Only your doctor can determine a most effective, safe, and appropriate dosing schedule for your skin disorder.
    Do you accept health insurance?

    What our Customer Say

    Millions of people over the world suffer from skin disorders such as Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Eczema, Acne or other skin desease in Irving. UVB light therapy, or phototherapy, can improve the symptoms of desease in many people.